Customer Testimonials

“The DTS support staff is always there – we always get a ‘live’, competent and quality tech to assist us. They are true general DASD experts – they frequently provide DASD-related assistance beyond the scope of their products.”

Dave Cebell
The Dallas Morning News


“The service we have received from DTS Software, today, has been above and beyond any expectations we could have had for a vendor. From the materials provided this morning, to the conference call, to the FAX – and the many, many e-mails in between – thank you all so much for setting the standard.”

Rick Hodges
Project Manager
Texas Health Resources


“I Love your Tech Support. Keep up the good work!”

Scott Crumpton
University of Florida


“I have used ACC/SRS since 1996 and have been very pleased with the product. I have been able to virtually eliminate all space related problems. In addition, I have been able to implement System Determined Blocksize without any JCL modifications by using the JCL override features of the software. While IBM’s SMS has added some of the features of ACC/SRS, the ACC/SRS software is much more flexible, easier to test, easier to trace, and easier to implement. Oh, did I mention ACC/SRS allows you to trace your SMS ACS routines?”

Richard Pinion
System Programmer
Baptist Health Systems of East Tennessee


“ACC saved us 185,000 tape mounts last year and we’re only half way through this year and have already saved 184,000 tape mounts.”

Technical Support Manager
Large Midwestern Insurance Company


“We have not allowed cylinder allocations for several years but some how a couple of datasets always manage to sneak through. Just this week a colleague came to me for an increase in space allocation in order to install a new version of SAS. I cautioned him to allocate in tracks or blocks. Later I happened to notice that nearly every file was allocated in cylinders. I asked him about it. He said he was using the vendor supplied canned JCL but was pretty sure it was blocks. After we examined the JCL we discovered that while the files were allocated in blocks, each specified ROUND. Once we found the culprit I was able to adjust my ACC rules to remove the ROUND specification and things are back to normal.

Thank you once again for providing such an agile piece of software!”

Helen Seren
The University of Chicago
MVS Trail Boss


“Users don’t change JCL as they should – they’re just too busy. We use ACC to step in and take care of the situation!  A specific use of ACC we find very helpful is the redirecting of existing SMS-managed tapes to esoteric devices.”

George Arangelovich


“DCC was very easy to install and implement.  It makes monitoring and administration of the EMC DLm very easy and much more robust than the EMC provided tools.  Being able to have DCC automatically scratch tapes on the DLm is a big advantage over having to run a separate process.”

Large Utility Company

“I’d say DCC was a success!  You were correct that it did go quickly once we were able to start the jobs and let them run.  The DTS support team were real troopers to get us through some of the internal weirdness we have. Thanks to you all!!!! “

Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance

“I want to say thank you to DTS Software. They were a key vendor in both strategic and tactical roles. Special thanks to the technology resources at DTS. It was the DTS sauce that made the VTL conversation a hit on the data center floor.”

BJC HealthCare

“Recently someone asked me if anyone knows of a product that would replace CA-Vantage……something better & less expensive?  I responded, ‘I know the perfect product – DTS’s SCC MONitor and Explorer’!!

Last year I replaced CA-Vantage on one of our systems with DTS’s SCC MONitor and Explorer. Monitor is like CA-Vantage in that it monitors pools/storage group utilization, provides real time snap shots of datasets (or scheduled snap shots) and initiates ‘defined actions’ (issue commands/submit jobs) when an event or specific incident occurs.  Explorer is a PC interface much like CA-Vantage’s. The products fit our needs perfectly and the vendor was EXTREMELY helpful with the installation, setup and customization so it worked exactly as needed.”

Jo Hudson
Storage Programmer Senior


“SCC-Monitor has prevented problems from happening since it’s set up to notify our group if pools fall under set thresholds. The product has some great reporting capabilities, and is used not only by support groups but by some customers have requested access to it. SCC-Monitor was easy to install and the support team is the best group I have ever worked with.”

Jim Borus
IBM Global Services
MF Storage Management


“The DTS Software products are wonderful! We would not be able to run without them. We also experience significant cost savings, since the products’ efficiencies allow us to maintain a smaller DASD farm.”

Dave Cebell
The Dallas Morning News


“We find MONITOR extremely useful, especially when combined with automation in order to provide notification to users. We set threshold levels that interface with defined messages that get sent (via email, pager, etc) to users as notification. E.g., “Pool XYZ is 85% full, please make appropriate adjustments”. This monitoring and messaging process provides real-time information without the necessity of manually reviewing it.”

George Arangelovich


“We have about 300 to 350 recalls done by Predictive Recall on a nightly basis. These numbers increase on a weekly and monthly cycle. On a daily cycle, we pre-call a few hundred datasets and shorten our production cycle by about 1.5 hours!

After a cycle has finished, our general DASD pool will be at 20% free space. We will then migrate datasets to obtain a free space of 50% or better in the pool. The use of Predictive Recall allows us to be aggressive with migration, thereby increasing free space in the pool.

We found Predictive Recall accurate and easy to use.”

Fortune 200 Insurance Company
Mainframe Storage Management Personnel

“I cannot remember the last time I had a space abend. I know it has been years. SRS from DTS handles those problems so transparently that I forget it is installed.”

Bob Richards
VP, Enterprise Technologist
SunTrust Banks, Inc.


“SRS has allowed us to postpone a large DASD purchase due to higher device utilization. Space abends are a thing of the past.”

Technical Support Manager
Northeastern Pharmaceutical Retailer


“The DTS ACC/SRS product installation is quick and easy to follow. On those occasions when DTS technical support was required, I have always received prompt, accurate and courteous support from DTS technicians – they always exhibited technical expertise and professionalism.”

Elaine Finch
Bank of America


We have used DTS SRS software for years and it has worked flawlessly. It has been very easy to install and absolutely user friendly. Also the support cannot be beat!!

Mark Sisbarro
Ebsco Industries


Recently, we had a DB2 problem/issue involving DASD storage. Being a user of SRS, we got in touch with your support group and almost immediately they responded with a great update – pointing back to a user issue. The bottom line here is that I received a great reply in a matter of an hour or so, rather than waiting hours or days for some rep to tell us they need more documentation. That support has been getting rare among our vendors, so please feel free to pass along my thanks for a job well done by your support team!

Dave Kucharski
BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois